
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2007

Expedition to the Amazonas River by the Morona River

PRICE $ 350 ( all included) From Quito to the Amazon River, 10 days, no included the last night stay in Macas. Price with Spanish classes in groups: 3 hours per day x 6 days $440 or 5 hours per day x 6 days $500. Materiales llevar toldo, saco de dormir , linterna, platos y cubiertos, vacunas de fibre amarilla y hepatitis , tabletas de malaria, repelente de insectos, antihistaminico , y protector solar , ecotrackers dará un chaleco salvavidas ( ecotrackers ) Materials needed: Mosquito net , sleeping bag , flashligh , vaccines , malaria tablets , insect repelent , antihistaminic tablets , sun block cream. Los estudiantes y voluntarios ayudarán a preparar la comida. The volunteers and students will help to prepare the meals . Nosotros tendremos que dormir en escuelas y sobre el piso. We will have to sleep in Schools and on the floor . Es un bosque primario sin viajeros, turistas, transporte regular ni acomodacion . No hay un paso fronterizo. El obje

Scuba Experience

July 3, 2007 Margaret Novak This past week was awesome!! We went down to a coastal town called Salango to create a new scuba project. The idea of this project is to offer scuba classes to people in the local community so that they will be able to have an opportunity to develop ecotourism as an alternative to their current fishing industry. The system works because volunteers pay the locals for room and board, and then they can use that money to pay for the scuba equipment. For example, we paid the amount of money it took for them to rent the equipment (the instruction was free thanks to our dive instructor, Peter) and in turn we had someplace to sleep and 3 great meals every day. We (Max, Veronica , Dominica (Ecotrackers), Mario (Swiss student) and I) left Quito Monday night at about 10:30 pm. The bus ride to Salango took about 15 hours total, so we finally made it to Salango around 1:00pm on Tuesday. We arrived at the community museum, and set ourselves up in these


STATUTES OF ECODIVERS & ECONAVIGATORS ECODIVERS & ECONAVIGATORS International Organization for the protection and ecological use of water basins Art. 1- FUNDAMENTAL OBJECTIVE OF THE ORGANIZATION: The fundamental objective of the organization is to work for a harmonic relation between human beings and water basins through protection, education, and information which permit the development of activities like scuba, boating, and the sustainable use of water basins to maintain the equilibrium in their biodiversity and the quality of water. Art. 2- REALIZED ACTIVITIES The organization realizes the following activities: EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES- These activities will establish a relationship between the organization and the people of a community. They will include personal training and development of abilities regarding recreational use, scientific use, and productivity of wate